
about me.

I am the Dominatrix of the Ordered Paradigm. A (mostly) Benevolent Dictator. The Bookkeeper. I am Healer. A Crystal Lady. I am the Grief Gypsy. The IT Technician. The Executioner of Dust Bunnies. The Weaver of Bedtime Yarns. The All-Knowing Oz. I am the Scraped Knee Kisser. The Puddle Drier. I am your Cruise Director. I am a terrible Maid. I am the Tucker of Sheets. I am the Prophet of Pluralism. I am the Banisher of Monsters. The Spider Whisperer. The Dog Walker. The Nightmare Keeper. I am the Lizard King. The Lounge Singer. The Swing(push)er. I am the Chef, Sous Chef, Pastry Chef, Barista, and Dishwasher. I am the Rocker and Roller. The Stone Killer. The Snow Shovel Shaman. I am our Tribal Leader and Medicine Woman. I am the Samurai of Slobber. The Warrior of Bruised Egos. The Puzzle Finisher. I am the Crying Woman. I am Solitary Confinement. I am la Virgin. I am Frida. I am the Wife. I am the Daughter. I am Beezus' Mama. I understand which way the boo-boo sticker goes on a finger and when the crying can successfully be wiped away. I am the person behind you in line at the market with two kids wondering if it is obvious that my third baby is in a tiny little urn in her living room.


You can find my work (and me) in different places around the web.

Here I am on MyFace.
Here I am on Twitter. (@stilllifeangie)>
Here I am on Pinterest. (stilllifeangie)
Here I am as one of the fifty Must Read Moms.
Here is my reallyreasonablypricedandbeautiful Etsy shop.
Here I am all Linked In and shit.
Here are my essays on Glow in the Woods.
Here is some of my artwork at Beauty in the Breakdown.
Here is some more of my artwork on still life 365.
Here is some of my artwork along with twenty other amazing artists from the Day of the Dead show on Vashon Island, Washington, organized by the stunning and amazing Mother Henna.

My poems have been published in several print and online publications, including Mothering Magazine and the now-defunct In the Rearview 

  • Click here to read my 
poem "I am. Still." is published in the October 2009 edition of Literary Mama.
  • Click here to read objects on kota loss & compassion blog.

You can contact me at uberangie(at)