
Monday, June 22, 2009


I didn't know what sad was before your death, Lucy, or what insomnia was, or fear, or feeling utterly bereft.
I didn't know how hard it was to walk, until I had to leave the hospital without you.
I didn't know how wide my love expanded, Lucy. I suspected, but I didn't know.
I didn't know how beautiful and tragic, peaceful and cruel, a birth could be until I birthed you.
I didn't know, Lucy, how simply in awe of your perfection I could be even though I could not keep you forever.
I didn't know how very much I could miss someone until I missed you for six months, Lucy, my beautiful daughter. We all miss you so much.

six prayers for lucia.


  1. Abiding with you at 6 months dear Angie. Holding you, Sam, Bea and sweet baby Lucy so close in my heart.

  2. 6 months was hard. Thinking of you and your family.

  3. i miss you, lucy. i ache for you and also for you, sister. i am so grateful i got to kiss those beautiful lips. so grateful i got to see you in your mama's arms. so grateful i had a chance to smell your sweet lucy smell. and i am also so very very sad we don't have you with us now. i love you now, tomorrow and forever. 6 months seems such a very long time to be without you....

  4. Thinking of you, Sam and Beatrice and beautiful Lucy. She is missed.

  5. hugs to you all. lucy (and you) have had such a tremendous impact on me in this journey. while i'm sad to know you in this way angie, I'm so very honored to get to know lucy through you....beautiful lucy, always remembered.

  6. In solidarity, here is a verse from the practice I dedicated to this milestone:
    (from the ritual to Chittamani Tara, a female emanation of the Buddha)
    Homage! Golden-blue one, lotus
    Water-born, in hand adorned!
    Giving, effort, calm, austerities,
    Patience, meditation her sphere!

  7. Heartbreaking. Six months is such a long time. But, as Julia once said, it's also no time at all. Thinking of you.

  8. Remembering you, Lucy, and missing you with your mami, your daddy, and your big sister.

  9. Angie,

    I'm hoping you feel my love and hope for you as you struggle with life while missing Lucia. I cried when I read your sister's comment. Lucy has a lot of love on her side.

    Peace, my friend.

  10. Beautiful and tragic, peaceful and cruel. So true.

    I am so very sorry. Six months can seem like a blink of an eyelid and an eternity simultaneously.

    Sweet Lucy.


  11. ((hugs))
    missing and praying with you.

  12. Loved and missed the world over, your little girl is.

  13. so beautiful and heartbreaking angie. six jixos, six prayers, six months. half a year. another solstice. i so wish that lucy were in your arms. sending you so much love

  14. I wish Lucy were here in your arms where she belongs. So much love to you, Sam & Bea.

  15. A beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl. Missing Lucy with you...

  16. Stopping over from Lost & Found, I just wanted to leave my thoughts behind with you.

  17. Thinking of you and your sweet little angel.

  18. Crying for you my friend.

    Sweet Lucy we are all thinking of you today *hugs*

  19. Angie - again, your writing has touched my heart. Missing and remembering Lucy with you today.. and always.

  20. Thinking of you and your beautiful Lucy. And what G said. 6 months was really hard.

  21. That was so beautiful and heart shattering to read. I ached over your story from the garage sale, not to be able to say you could relate. I think I would have been in shock. 86 years old, I didn't want to feel this ache for 60 more years or more. Love to you.

  22. Hi Angie - check out Lucia's Angel Wings on my blog.

    Love to you

  23. Love to you and Lucy on the six month solstice. I hope you are able to find more light these days than the complete and utter darkness of 6 months ago.


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