
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Babylost Conversation

I have been really losing it over some of these new xtra normal movies going around. So friggin' deadpan and funny. So, I asked some of my fellow My Face babylost mama friends what some crappy things people have said to them after the death of their child and I put in some I remember hearing other people talk about on blogs or in forums, or that were said to me and made one myself. This was intended to be funny, but I can't really tell if it is too pathetic or bitter. By the way the f-bomb is dropped once, so you may want the children to be out of the room, or not. It is hard to tell it is the eff word. Anyway, hope it gives you a chuckle.


  1. OMG!!! That is awesome! I love that you inserted the f word!! I did actually laugh, and yes it's a little bitter but hey that's just the way it is! I might have to make one too. =)

  2. "Is He Compiling some kind of baby angel army?" In that deadpan voice? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Jesus, this would hilarious if it weren't so goddamn true and sad.

  3. I love it. It's absolutely true and perfect.

  4. Nice. Hearing all of those stupid things spoken all together is very interesting. Normally it's just one at a time and the DBM is stunned into silence.

    Who's really the one being difficult?

  5. OMG THIS is brilliant!! You deserve to win one of those moviemaking awards now! Maybe it's because we're all bitter and twisted too. But I don't think so!

    Well done!!


  6. The baby angel army cracked me up, too. And the "I hate you," at the end was perfect.

    Now I want a cute little anime robot with pre-recorded answers to step in for me when I encounter these kinds of comments.

  7. If you don't laugh, you'll cry. I for one nearly wet myself laughing then cried because I laughed so hard. Says a lot about the "stage of grief" I must be in as I'm not sure I would have laughed two years ago!
    Seriously, this was very clever!

    ps: I'd be interested to see how non-babylost would react to this.

  8. So, so, so funny! Those voices, the inane comments, the f-bomb--this is *my* summer blockbuster.

    So sad but so funny.

  9. That is awesome. I hope it goes viral.

  10. This is wonderful, just amazing and heartbreaking all at the same time.

  11. OMFG. this just made my day. which i guess really says something about my life. it is so funny that i am trying to think if i know any non-babylost peeps i can send this to... um... no. super smart, angie. hope it was cathartic to create. xo

  12. BRILLIANT! I want to post it everywhere!

  13. OMFG!! ANGIE that is some hilarious shit!! I was actually laughing! It's so true..

  14. That was spot on Ang!!! I'm so linking to this!! I love the monotone voicese!

  15. I am just sad for anyone who has to listen to these ridiculous comments.

    I'm sorry for anyone who's baby has died. There is no reason, justification or explanation that will bring your baby back, or make you feel any better. You should not have to be subject to such verbal diarrhea from people who have no idea of what you are going through.

  16. Oh my GOD, Angie. FUCKING BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Will you marry me?

  17. Absolutely LOVED THIS ANGIE!

    I laughed like hell at The F#@K You part!

    Thanks Angie, you are a gem :) x

  18. Brilliant! I'm glad I'm not the only one with a black sense of humour these days. Awesome!

  19. Amazingly true, so deadpan, I laughed and chuckled my way through. My 14yo thought it was Southpark. Love the F word too, it fits so well. You are very clever, well done.

  20. This is a piece of genius, Angie. x

  21. Delurking to say that is frickin hilarious. I laughed out loud. So sad, but so funny, too.

  22. So, so very true. almost 2 years out I can laugh at this. The deadpan voices fit perfectly. I wish I had used the baby angel army line myself back then. I still get stupid ass comments, so maybe I'll still have a chance.

  23. who said comedy is funny because it is tragedy at its truest?
    This was brilliant.

  24. I just love it, particularly the final "I really, really hate you." My little, bitter internal voice often seems to be saying that.

  25. this is brilliant and you are brilliant- oh yes!


  26. Great! It did make me laugh. I wish I could show it to my friends, but I don't think they would understand. The voices are awesome!

  27. Oh dear! How funny, I just posted a link to my FB page saying "If there's one thing about baby loss that can make you laugh, this is it" Then I thought how sick that sounded, so I commented, "yep people actually say this crap, and yep, that's how we want to respond!" I loved it!!!

  28. I love this. And I've shared it on FB. And now I'm just waiting for the emails to come wondering why I'm still stuck in this place. As if its my choice.

    So if you could just get to work on that little anime robot with pre-recorded answers as requested by Erica, that would be great. I'll order one of those too.


  29. OMG Angie this is amazing...David and I want to send it to the universe!

  30. Wow! I can hear those exact words coming out of peoples' mouths to me. I wish I had the strength to reply like this. LOL

  31. everything I wish I could have said but was just too stunned to say anything. I want to carry this around with me on my cell phone and make people watch it.

  32. i might be in love with you! haha! the baby angel army literally had me laughing hysterically out loud. i never thought of that as a come speaks to the truth of just how many of us there really are out there, and how ludicris it is for people to say He needs another one, like he's collecting them or something!!! I VOTE YOU FOR PRESIDENT! :-)

  33. I loved it!! And it's all true. You rock!!

  34. I loved it!! And it's all very true. We want to understand why we had to lose our children, but sadly there are not any correct answers that will satisfy our curiousity.

  35. LMAO!!!! I'm peeing in my pants. The fact that I can laugh about something so unbelievably tragic is genius on your part. Thank you!!
    --Olivia, Veronica's mom (4/29/09 - 6/18/09)

  36. This is absolutely hilarious but SPOT ON!!! :-) How I wish I could send this to all those stupid assholes, including my fiance's ex (who he has a 4 year old daughter with). She was concerned about her daughter being around me because 'people like that (baby loss moms) drown other people's children, especially of ex-girlfriends!' LOL. WTF?!!!Great work!


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