
Friday, September 17, 2010

new look

As you may have noticed, my blog got an overhaul. The new header has photo from the amazing Marco Braun's photo series Squared Circles. I was absolutely mesmerized by that set. I initially began looking for ensos and then found these. Anyway, long, incredibly boring story made a tad shorter. I like it. What do you think?

This morning, I woke up with the immediate thought, after, "Holy crap, I can't believe it is morning already" was that I needed to redesign my blog. I don't know why, exactly.What I really wanted to do was sit down and write, but I ended up designing instead. Maybe the old painting of me just wasn't working anymore. It seems so old. Well, as old as a year old painting can feel...still when you live with it everyday it gets, well, tired. We are also overhauling our house, moving furniture, going through old things, building a fireplace/hearth for the new woodstove we have purchased. We are laying stacked stone bricks and using slate. It is all so earthy and cozy, I swear the Capricorn in me is about to explode with cellular contentedness.

Anyway, I have more stuff to update, like the young Thor has popped out two teeth, which means he is sleeping, and that brings its own level of contentedness. I am enjoying more fall-like weather. I have more, but no time. So, I leave you with this perspective:


  1. I really like the new look! Excellent job.

    I am totally ready for fall and some earthy and cozy. It is still so hot here.

    I'm glad Thor has gotten his teeth and is sleeping. Sleeping is good.

  2. i like the new look. very clean, and the circles are captivating.

    i know what you mean about the mad need to organize, deconstruct, reconstruct. i spent the day framing pictures and cleaning out my fridge. fall energy does it to me. of course, i am also a capricorn. xo

  3. Loved the video! Totally creepy but very well done.
    We don't do the whole Halloween thing here, so I always love reading about it on the American blogs.
    LOVE the new blog make over as well. I think I would like to update mine, but I'm not really there enough any more to make it worth the while.
    And go Thor. Good work on those chompers, buddy.

  4. The new look is bright and fresh. It feels good, if that makes sense? Love the woodstove idea too. We had friends put one in their house, and it's wonderful.
    Yay for sleeping teeth babies.

  5. My pumpkin may remain un-carved this year ;) So funny!

    I love the new look of your blog! The blue is so pretty

  6. Love the new look, love the circles and the light.x

  7. Love the new look. Crisp and clean with no (?) caffeine :) The approach of the equinox always gets me in an organizational, renewal-driven frenzy. It's as exhausting as it is cathartic.

    It's amazing how those chompers breaking free really makes a world of difference in sleep. Ahhh, sleep.

  8. Like the new look. Very fresh! xx

  9. (Finally) Catching up on my blog reading & commenting (again) after my vacation last month...! Just wanted to say that while I loved the old look, I also love the new look too. : )


What do you think?