
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day 10 - a photo taken over 10 years ago of you

This is a photo taken in 1993 (that's more than ten years, right?) when I lived at this place that my friends dubbed the "House of Bad Vibes".  It may have been a squat. I paid rent to someone and we had electricity. There was a parade of strange characters--hippies, punks, club kids, models, runaways, drug addicts and misfits who came through that place. So much insane stuff happened there. Really insane. I could write a whole novel on the House of Bad Vibes, but suffice to say, it was a good place to save money and make stories. I shared a bedroom with my very close friend Sidney who took this picture of me and my identical twin sister. My bed actually was on four milk crates and dry wall, which made for a very strange sleep.  And the flag was my father's flag and became my bed spread, which, in his mind, might make me a communist.

Anyway, I love pictures of my sister and I together, even though we have surprisingly few of them. She is so amazing. And though we look so much alike, I think this picture captures how different our personalities are. So, which one is me? Top or Bottom?


  1. Oooh, I want to say you are the top twin, but I'm not so sure...

  2. that is a very cool pic :D I have no idea which one is you though!

  3. Love the picture! I think you're the top one, but am not sure. I've often wondered what it would be like to have a twin, especially an identical one. Cool stuff.

  4. Hmm, I don't know. I'd go with the twin on the top too, but I don't know if that is just because I can see her more clearly.

  5. Yeah, I thought top too! Love the picture.

  6. Great picture + crazy memories!! I am thinking you are the top twin too?


  7. Without reading what the others said:
    The sitting twin looks much more like you.

    Oh, and I love that photo.

  8. I also think you are the sitting twin but I'm not certain! I think you should write that novel.

  9. Top! top! top!

    I love this photo, and I think your life is not as rich as it could be if you do not have at least one house of mala onda in your history.

    I will buy that book when you write about yours.

  10. Top!

    Can't wait to read the novel.

  11. Would love to read your novel...


What do you think?