
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 23 - a youtube video that makes you laugh.

Day 23 - a youtube video that makes you laugh.

The first time I saw Leslie and the Ly's video Gem Sweater, I couldn't breathe. Oy, vey, this woman goes for it. Anyway, she has this one, which never fails to crack me up. My first instinct was to link to How to Be Alone, because if this was a favorite You Tube video period that would be it. I'm sure there are a ton of You Tube videos that make me laugh, but this was the first one I thought of.


  1. That is the most fantastic video and song I think that I have EVER seen.

  2. OMG Leslie--my frame of reference for her is the gold lame jumpsuit she wears on Yo Gabba Gabba. She's aweome.

  3. I had never seen this before...and now it is stuck in my head.

  4. I immediately watched everything by leslie hall after I watched this. Her videos really brightened my day! Thanks for sharing!


What do you think?