
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 24 - where you live

Day 24 - where you live

I live in a small town in New Jersey across the bridge, almost literally, from Philadelphia. I guess it used to be something other than what it has become within the last ten year, which is a small artsy town that has a large gay population and an incredible BYOB scene. I love it. I live a block from a lake. Five blocks from the train station which is a twelve minute ride into Philly. We have one of the best Farmer's Markets in the state, and tons of street fairs. We have cafes. Art galleries. Brunch places. A cute downtown and a bunch of yoga studios. I can't complain. I really love it here. Our house is small, but ours. Our neighbors are mostly people who keep to themselves, but are kind and friendly, and never ask you about what church you belong to, or what politician you are voting for. All in all, I love where we live. I only wish I had more land and less noise.


  1. Sounds perfect! I can't quite believe that anyone would ask you which church you go to or who you vote for, that's just rude. I'm glad you don't have to put up with that. x

  2. And I live in Georgia now and people ask me which church I go to all the time.

    We moved away almost seven years ago, but we used to live in Voorhees, within walking distance of the mall. There is a Chinese/Japanese restaurant there that I still miss.

  3. Wow, sounds enjoyable...and incredibly nice that no one asks about church or candidates. That seems to be the two common questions we get here when you meet up with people again.

  4. I live in what is arguably the most diverse neighborhood in the most diverse county in the country. By some estimates, 167 languages are spoken here. Asking someone what church they go to here would likely earn you a blank stare. You are much more likely to be asked which Indian restaurant or food cart is your favorite. I simply don't feel at homew in places where everyone is all White, so this works well for me. I, too, though, wish it were way quieter- our neighborhood is many things, most of them good, but peaceful and green are two things it definitely is not.


What do you think?