
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 26 - your week, in great detail

Day 26 - your week, in great detail

My husband has a changing schedule every week, so my week changes too. Life is different when he is around, but most weeks are like this:

Sunday is Family Day. No television. No cell phone. We do family-oriented activities. That also means no writing except during naptime.

Monday: I usually see my father who lives in a nursing facility. He has Advanced Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. He is paralyzed on one side of his body and cannot walk, so he is wheelchair bound. This year, he has been in and out of the hospital a few times with infections, which scares the shizzle out of me, but he has been sick for a very long time. Anyway, he is very particular about his way of being, so my sister or I have to do his laundry every week. He won't let strangers touch his clothing. Anyway, we go to see him, take him lunch, shoot the shit make sure he has money/toothpaste and all that jazz. He lives about an hour and fifteen minutes away, so I leave about 9:30a and get home around 3p. My kids have been going to see him since they were about a month old each, and I hope it gives them the compassion to sit with someone who is very ill. They talk to all the guys there and I love that wheelchairs are not gape-magnets. They always see wheelchairs. They are comfortable with sick and old people. We talk about those things quite a bit, and about death. And we teach them to respect and be kind to all the people, so they are favorites around those halls. My father has an electric wheel chair and the girls always take turns riding on his lap, or on the back. It is very cute. My father has been sick for a very long time. I miss my dad, to be honest, I have grieved him for a very very long time.

Tuesday: We usually stay home, or hit the library. Sometimes we go to my sister's house to play with my niece and nephew, or go for a hike.

Wednesday: Music Together Class, which is seven kinds of fun, except for the fact that my arch nemesis is in the class. And yes, he is 18 months.

Thursday: GYMNASTICS. I studied gymnastics, and signed Beezus up this year, because I thought she should learn how to fall properly. She loves gymnastics. I think she doesn't stop smiling from the time she goes in there until she leaves.

Friday: Market/Target day. Yeah, we shop for stuff and run errands. Sometimes we meet my sister to shop at the market, which is basically chaotic and insane and I am pretty sure people loathe us, but it does make it a lot more fun.

Saturday: Work day. Sam takes the kids and goes out for three-five hours while I write, work on still life 365 or paint. Then they come home, I feed Thomas and he takes them for a nap and I keep working.

That wasn't in great detail, but overview of our week.

I have blogged everyday this month. But October has 31 days. So, if anyone is interested in asking me a question, I will answer them on October 31st. You can pose questions here in the comment section, or email me at You can ask about anything. Dead baby related or not. You can even ask anonymously, if you want to ask me something mean-spirited. 


  1. All the things you do with your sister make me wish I had one a sister (I'm an only child). I'm glad your children get the opportunity to be around older people, and your Sundays sound quite enjoyable. Love love learning more about you.

  2. You are invited to follow my blog too. Hehe.

    For my question, I would like to hear more about your 18 month old arch nemesis.

  3. yes... Who is this evil 18 month old?

  4. I, too, am very curious about this 18-month-old Moriarty.

  5. If this 18 month-old always has to make the most noise in Music Together and dance around on the tables, then it just may be my arch nemesis in miniature.

  6. I was able to get my ex back after I followed the instructions at I totally recommend this site, helped me a lot, all I can say is big THANKS!!! I'm so happy now...

  7. I woke up thinking about your dad this morning. Not is a weird way. I've never been through that with one of my own parents . . . but it is so very hard to watch someone you love go through that. I think it's really a wonderful thing that your children are getting to know him, and he gets to be with them.

  8. What kind of crazy has entered your comment section. You are invited to follow my blog too. Perhaps I'll even save your breakup. You never know.

    I'm trying out this new fangled google reader (yes, I'm slow) and thought I'd pop in here.

    I tried doing the math on your arch nemesis's age, thinking it must be close to Lucy's age, but it didn't line up exactly. However, my guess is it still has something to do with that. And that sucks.

    We've done Music Together in the past. The Banjos or is it Bongos CD is on auto play in the van right now. Hello Everybody . . . So glad to see you!

    Peace, my friend.


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