
Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 29 - hopes, dreams, and plans for the next 365 days

Day 29 - hopes, dreams, and plans for the next 365 days

Geesh. Well, I hope to remain as driven creatively. Keep writing short stories and finish a damned novel one of these damned days. I hope to figure out a way to blend my passions for art and writing into a career which makes money because my time limit for being a stay at home mom is coming to an end, I think. In some ways, I feel like I am at a crossroads in my life with my writing, my career, my passions. I can touch the life I have always imagined for myself, and I hope to really visualize it and pursue it clearly.


  1. Those are big ... and exciting plans. You write amazingly so I hope you are able to work this one ou.

    It'll be interested to revisit this post next October and just see where we all are.

  2. Those are my hopes and dreams for you too! But, mostly for my own selfish reason that I think you are brilliant and I want to read your novel and everything else you come up with! =)

  3. I've never liked these kinds of questions much because they seem so abstract. You answered it really well, but I always end up going, "well, I don't know, um, something?"

  4. I no longer know how to answer this question.

    But I love your answer.


What do you think?