
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 7 - a photo that makes you happy.

Day 7 - a photo that makes you happy.

I actually had a really hard time with this one. Not that I couldn't find one, just that I love pictures of my children together, and well, sometimes seeing pictures of my kids together also makes me incredibly sad, because I see a huge Lucy-sized hole there when everyone else sees just some very cute kids. And I debated if I should even post a picture of my children, because sometimes kid pictures are just a little too, well, kid-pictures. Other things are happy inducing and not so obvious, like this one (Yes, that is Sean Connery), or this photo I once took of my husband when he wasn't looking with a special candy bar I found. It makes me happy because we were young, I do stupid stuff like that all the time and it makes me giddy.

Right now, though, if I think about a photo that makes me smile in spite of whatever awful mood has taken up residence in me, I have to pick this one I took of my kids in the sink having a bath. We were having a hard, long night of whining and complaining, and Sam's flight was delayed five hours, or some crap, and I was finding myself growing more and more impatient, and I picked out the wrong plate for Beezus. ("Not thhhhat one, thhhhhhat one.") Finally, I just hit the cutting board. "That's it. EVERYONE IN THE SINK!" And we had so much fun.


  1. Beautiful pic. I see the Hope size hole in all my family pics now too.
    I'm sure this pic will bring a smile to your face for the rest of the days, despite the Lucy shaped hole in it. Bea and Thor are so precious.
    Been loving these posts, even though I haven't commented much.

  2. "Everyone in the sink!"

    This shall be my new euphemism for "everybody just chill the f*ck out."

    Love it. And am green with envy over how full of life and love your kitchen looks to be.

  3. We have a new phrase in our house, adopted from one of the kids' teachers and it seems fitting here:

    "Oh my heavenly days!"

    So much to say about this photo, but can't put it into words. The kids look so innocent and yet so guilty.

  4. Thanks for the laugh! That Sean pic is great! What a great photo of your kids. And I agree w/ previous comment your kitchen does look perfectly bright and happy, and full of love!

  5. You made me chortle with that Sean Connery pic!
    The pic of Bea and Thor is adorable.x

  6. That is one of my favorite pictures lately too. I also loved the ones you had on Facebook recently, with Jack the Dog and with Beezus under Thor's bouncy seat.

  7. Your kids are so beautiful! This is a framer, for sure. And now I'm jealous of your sink :)

    It is hard to look at pictures now, as some see just one happy family, and I can see the hole.

  8. What a gorgeous, gorgeous picture Angie.

    ... not so sure about Sean though!

  9. Love this photo- and I'm right there with M on all that beautiful life in your kitchen.

    Can't post a photo in a comments section, I don't think, so I'll have to stall on this one while I figure it out (either how to post or how to describe).

  10. Yes, your kids make me smile, too!

  11. My sister & I used to take baths in my grandmother's kitchen sink too. Wish I had a photo of that!


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