
Monday, December 6, 2010

25 Days of Giveaways--Early Bird Special

I do love me some giveaway. My day doesn't officially start until December 9th, but I am all about giving plenty of time to get comments in and participate.

I actually am writing today to talk about Tina's amazing holiday project and also some of my projects. I'm very excited to be involved in this project again this year and excited to visit other blogs and see what other people are giving away. I am participating in 25 days of giveaways, both on here and on still life 365 (December 17th). So visit both places for giveaways.

still life with circles' day is December 9th, actually, but I am leaving town the day before, and I kind of wanted to get the ball rolling on this one. I am giving away your choice of one of two things: ONE: a copy of They Were Still Born, the book in which my essay Mothering Grief appears in. There are a ton of other amazing babylost writers in this collection of essays, including Janis, Virginia, Kara L.C. Jones, aka Mother Henna, Monica, and Joanne Cacciatore. It is edited by Janel Atlas.  The collection itself is quite extraordinary. It is a collection about living after stillbirth and the ways in which loss affect us as mothers, fathers, grandparents and people. I have all the information about the book on my sidebar, if you are interested in ordering it and leaving some feedback on Amazon or Barnes and Noble, and telling other people about it. You will also notice on there that I am doing some readings. (Gulp.)

Actually, I am looking forward to it very very much. So, this is the reason I am posting today, because I am traveling up to Massachusetts to participate in a discussion with Empty Arms. All are invited to attend. You can read more about the event here. This group is run by Carol of Happy Sad Mama and my dear lovely friend Jenni of Demeter's Feet and Glow in the Woods.

I also will be reading with Janel and Nina Bennett, another contributor of the book who is a grieving grandmother, on January 9th, which is a Sunday, at New Castle County Library in Newark, Delaware. For anyone interested in attending, I will post more information the closer we get to the event, or you can email me privately (uberangie(at)gmail(dot)com)

So, you can chose to receive a copy of the book, OR for those who already ordered it and are feeling left out or just want to buy it and want the other giveaway, I am giving away a mizuko jizo painting. I have a few styles, but I am painting it on-demand for the winner. You can read about my custom mizuko jizo paintings here. I do a few different styles, so you get to chose that and your choice of the size: 4"x6", which is a perfect altar size, or 6"x9", which is a great size to fit into a 5"x7" frame.Or if you are feeling really demanding, you can ask for a 5"x7" greeting card. (Just kidding about the demanding part.) But this might be a good option for someone who is not babylost who might be reading this blog who might want to pay the giveaway forward to a babylost mama. This giveaway is open to anyone--man, woman, child, dog, babylost and non-babylost.

Here are the rules for this giveaway. I am posting this today, which means you get quite a few days to leave a comment on this post saying which choice you want--Book or Painting. And if you want a painting, tell me what kind of painting you want, etc. And if you want the book, you don't have to tell me anything about that. I would love to hear something about you. Anything. And also, if you are a babylost mama or papa, tell me your child's birthday and/or loss day, so I can add it to my calendar. Please only one comment per person. I mean it. I will erase your second comment. And I will grumble while I am doing it. Also, if you are interested in trying to win again, you have another chance on December 17th, so don't be that person. This is really because I am not clever enough to figure out numbers with a disregarded comment. I will chose the winner on the close of business day on December 9th or maybe even December 10th, if I am feeling daffy.

Happy Give it Away December. Good luck.


  1. I'm planning to buy the book so I'm especially happy to get to request a mizuko jizo...4X6 or whatever size is easiest for you to paint. I always associate the color orange with my boy, so incorporating that in would be delightful.

    For your calendar, please add Otis - his birthday is September 12, 2010; he died on the 13th.

    If you make it out west for a reading and find yourself in the san francisco area, we've got a guest room with your name on it if you need it, or at the very least a pot of tea or mug of bourbon to share with you.

    Safe travels.

  2. Thank you for having a giveaway! First of all, I am sorry for the loss of your daughter. My first baby, Meredith Helen, was born early on Oct. 3, 1974. She lived 3 days, and I never got to hold her or bond with her in any way. I was blessed with 3 other children. I would love to have the book - the art is beautiful, but books are special to me. xoxo

  3. What a wonderful idea! I haven't put my order in for the book yet and would love a copy of it. I can't wait to read it. My son Kaelen was born on November 11, 2009. It will be so nice to have a book specifically regarding stillbirth to read and am hoping to buy another one for my local baby loss group as well. Thanks for hosting!

  4. I have the book and as you know I absolutely love it but if I were to win another copy, I'd donate it to my local maternity hospital, for it to be hopefully read by every obstetrician in there. So I'm saying book.

  5. Thank you for hosting a Holiday giveaway. I'd love to get the book. And *demand*, er, request that you guys do a reading in our neck of the woods. ;) Please? (;_;) I'd happily drive to San Francisco for it!

    Kindly include our Kai Edward to your calendar. He was stillborn on June 16, 2010.

    [P.S. I still owe you the jizo ATC. I'm planning to send it in the mail before Christmas. :)]

  6. Thank you so much Angie...
    I have the book- by the way it is beautiful. I need to go spread some love on Amazon...
    I have been looking at your mizuko jizos since September when we first 'met' so that would be my request if I won. I love the image with the two children next to him. I wonder if adding in all four of my children would work.. it's an idea. I love the 6"x9" since you said it fits so well into the 5x7 frame.
    I think I will also be purchasing another copy of the book to donate to my local hospital where Cullen was born. One gift deserves another...
    If you could add Cullen Liam to the calendar I would be so appreciative. He was born silently on September 11, 2010.

  7. I've been wanting to buy the book, and I know this is silly, but because Florence lived for six hours, I've been afraid to.
    So, I'd love to enter your giveaway for the book, and if I don't win, I'm going to buy it anyway.
    Good luck with the readings Angie, I wish I wasn't an ocean away because I'd love to come and listen.x
    PS, I suspect you might already have Florence on your calendar, but if not 22/07/09

  8. I'm Missy. My son, Chaunchai, died during labor on July 3, 2010. I would love a painting as the book is already in route. Will anyone else from the book be doing readings? I ask in case they may be closer. Much love.

  9. I would love the book too if I was lucky enough to win. I find such solace in 'hearing' from others who have also lost a precious baby.

    I lost my eldest twin daughter, Ava, on the 21st October 2009. My girls were born on the 20th but Ava sadly lost her fight to stay with us after 14 hours. She is missed every second of the day.

    Sending love to you and all the babylost mummies and daddies. xxx

  10. what an AWESOME giveaway. I have heard about this book and would love to read it! so if i won i would like the book :)
    something about me well i Love to read. i hardly ever read before my babies were stillborn but since then all i do is read, reading saved most of my sanity. I usually read on average 3-4 books per week. I always carry a book with me where ever i go.
    My twins Eli and Jett were stillborn on the 10th of january 2009.

  11. I hope your traveling times go well and you are able to get some good awareness about the book and make some connections too. Will be thinking of you!

    I'd love a chance at the book. I do believe you have Lyra's anniversary on Dec. 18, 2009.

    Much love.

  12. I love the giveaway season but I haven't entered any this year. I'm finally pregnant again after losing twin boys 2 years ago (04/08/08). She will likely make her debut early Jan. I'm excited but nervous. I won one of the mizuko jizo last year which I've hung outside the nursery. I would love another one to put in the nursery...

  13. Hi - I'd like to win the book. I too was touched by this... I could have had an older brother, but I guess that wasn't meant to be.

  14. I'd love the book, and will buy it anyway if I don't win. Wish I could attend the events--they sound like something I need right now.

    If you'd add our Calla Valentina on January 9th, I'd appreciate it.

    Thanks for this :)

  15. I'm giving the book away on my blog too. I want to spread the love, so if I were to win the book I would donate it to my hospital's L&D dept. Everyone should read this book, it paints such a perfect picture of what the hell we're all going through in our grief and sorrow.


  16. I would love to win the book, since I haven't ordered it yet. I'd read anything that you wrote. :)

  17. I would love the book. its been on my amazon wish list, but I have a rule of no presents for myself near christmas.

    My daughter, Kayla Grace was stillborn November 25, 2009.

  18. I would love a painting as I had already planned to order the book. My daughter, Hadley was one of triplets so any painting that you feel may signify that would be amazing.
    Hadley was born 10/9/07 and passed away 10/11/07. Your work is beautiful and I so appreciate you adding Hadley to your calendar.


  19. I would love a chance to win the book. Although my son was not born sleeping, he passed of SIDs on October 15, 2008. I would like to win the book for a friend that lost her daughter Joy, just about a year ago. I know that she feels so alone, and perhaps this book can help her. :)

  20. This giveaway is amazing and you are amazing for doing this! ♥

    Your paintings are beautiful and I would love to win one.

    The 6"x9" - I would love something in honor of my twin boys that were born too soon on August 15, 2010.

    &hearts Bryston & Colton ♥

    God Bless you!

  21. have not got to order the book(nor the money to order it)and i love books. i am an avid reader. i have lost 5 babies and the dates for your calendar are... my most recent wyatt daniel 8/21/10, ethan daniel 1/25/05, chandler star 6/22/04, kendall star 12/16/98, and my first little hirl and my first loss mary lynn 12/94. thank you for what you are doing. soo sorry about the loss of your daughter. love and peace be with you this holiday season.

  22. I have to crazy idea that someone in my life might have gotten a clue in the last 8 months and buy me the book for Christmas so I'd like a mizuko jizo with the colour red in the background. Because of his name, I always associate my son Reid with the color red. He died sometime just before he was born on April 3, 2010.

  23. I would choose the paiting because I adore your work! I really like the purple one too (I usually associate the colors purple and/or green with my firstborn Dylan 6/11-6/17/08). Thanks for the giveaway!

  24. I too love giveaways!

    I would love a "mizuko jizo" for the nursery wall. Any size and depiction would be lovely but I would love one that shows all three of my babies; including Alexander in heaven.

    People have given me several custom items but they only include my two surviving triplets =(. Like Alexander was never born...

    December 19 will be the one year anniversary of Alexander's passing. I'm doing okay, making sure to share and receive "the love".

    Thanks for sharing.

  25. Thank you so much for the give away! I am very interested in the book. I have heard great things about it and plan on buying it if I do not win.

  26. That is such a difficult choice. I am going to buy the book. So, I would love to have one of your beautiful paintings. I love butterflies, they always make me think of Ella. Maybe the painting could include that.

    Ella was born on March 15, 2009.

    Thank you for doing a giveaway. I've gotten so behind on your blog since I had my rainbow in May. But, sending love and hugs. <3

  27. I would love one of your paintings, they are beautiful! My daughter is Freja, she was born 3/25/09 and lived until 4/10/09. I'm going to look into buying that book.. Although my daughter wasn't stillborn, I'm sure I could relate to almost all of the stories and grief that each author writes about. Peace to you.

  28. Hi Angie,
    I think you know how much I love your work...both your writing and painting. You are absolutely amazing!! I'd love the painting in any size if I would win. And similar to Bree, I really think of butterflies and the color pink with Kennedy. I lost Kennedy at 22 weeks on October 22, 2009. Thanks, hun. ((hugs))

  29. I would love the 6X9 painting. I love purple for my Baby Wheeler who was miscarried at 8 weeks in March 2009. I love blue for my son Michael Noah who was stillborn January 27, 2010 at 24 weeks due to unknown causes.

  30. I would love to have a copy of the book. My angel is Sydney. She was born and died on February 10, 2009.

  31. I intend to buy a copy of the book, and have actually already won a prize on the giveaways... I just wanted to let you know i think your art is wonderful, and if you would like to add our son to your calander that would be lovely....
    Sebastion Rush Scott, born still August 12, 2010.

  32. Hi Angie.
    Like some of the other girls, the book is already on my list of things to buy...I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to have one of your paintings. I won't decide what I want until I win, though! :-)

    My angel is Gracie. She was stillborn at 36 weeks on 8.1.09.

  33. Really??? We have to make a choice? Well...since I am certain I will not win this go around, I'm not going to choose! I hope your reading is going very well! I wish I was able to be there to listen to all you wonderful ladies! Thanks so much for hosting today Angie!

    Sophia & Ellie 4/25/09

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