
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

still life everyday

If you don't know, I have a blog called still life everyday, which cataloged my adventures last year with the Creative Every Day (CED) project. The beautiful thing about CED is that it created the habit in our lives of being creative and thinking creatively every day. This year, I am so much less formal about that project, but interestingly enough, I think I am so much more creative in how I approach everything in our lives. Funny how that works. Creativity certainly begets creativity. At least, it has for our family.

That blog is largely ignored, like the towheaded stepchild of my blogs, but it is also kind of my favorite. (No, stop, you are all my favorites!) Because I don't really edit the space with the same kind of fervor I do here. I just write and post pictures, and just explore the fun side of being a stay at home mother (SAHM). I have posted art on there since early 2010, so it is nice to be able to search a time frame and see what I was creating. Or find a little project I did way back when.

I have decided to transform the space into a place where I can talk about mindful parenting, buddhism, still keep it about the art I do, crafts I do with my kids, like the mind jar meditation, and other aspects of our daily life. There I will talk more about parenting solutions, how-to for crafts, and other ways we live.  We do a ton of crafty things around the house, and people always react like I have done something hard or miraculous. The truth is I just do it. I am not afraid to make a mess and make mistakes, so I have a lot of little successes and more failures in the realms of crafts, but I never let it deter me from creating. In the last few years, I have been trying to create more staples at home and be more self-sufficient. still life with circles isn't really the place to write about it, even though I have been.  I know reading about parenting when you have lost your first can be painful, and I have always felt torn about this aspect of my blog. Because I feel like all those parts of my life are one, but I have separated everything out in Bloglandia. Still, I started still life with circles as a way to process Lucia's death and my grief, particularly because I parented Beezus all day. And I'd like it to feel like a relatively safe space for people early in loss, or those who don't have living children. Here is where I process the emotions of parenting and loss.

I am going to be updating the look of still life every day over the next few days, and transforming the space to reflect its new purpose. I hope that if you like some of the crafts and art or parenting information you have seen in my blogs, on Facebook, or in my Etsy shop, you will come check it out and take the ride with me.

I'd also love to get your feedback about the space. Do you think the name is still apt? Is there anything you want to see on that blog that I have talked about? Or not talked about? Any crafts, cooking projects, artwork you'd like to see as a how-to? Anything you have been curious about that you want me to check out?

This morning we made crayons, or transformed our crayons. And I write about it right here.


  1. This is so timely, Angie, for me! I have been thinking that I need some easy-ish, creative things to do with E, but sadly, I ain't no artist. I'd love it if you'd share some things you do with your kids that we non-artfully-inclined parents can attempt with a sense of humor :)

    Also I've been thinking about starting a non-babyloss blog to complement NC, because I'd like to chronicle the good times we manage to have along with the sad. And I feel like a heel any time I mention kid-filled adventures there, because it doesn't seem appropriate.

    Anyway. Short answer: great idea. I'm in.

  2. Just added still life everyday to my reading list!

  3. I already pinned your crayons picture to my Pinterest account. :)

  4. I already loved SLE and I'm sure I'll love it even more now. I think the name is very appropriate. It is the things you're doing every single day with your kids and still life just keeps your "brand" alive.
    Can't wait to keep reading along. You're always very inspiring to me.


What do you think?