
Friday, October 21, 2011

spoken word blog round-up

I am just going for it.

TODAY IS HERE! The Spoken Word Blog Round-up has arrived!

Can you feel the excitement buzzing through your screen?

My idea is simply this: I love hearing writers read their words, and blogs suffer from an immediacy problem. Our feelings are temporary, we capture them in a post, we move on. But I don't want you to move on. Some of the best essays I have been privileged to read have come out of this community of writers and readers. And I don't know, I would love to hear them read by the person who wrote them. What was the writer's intention? What was tongue and cheek? What was pure pathos? I know it is hard to critique your work in this way, but think of it like this: did you love a post but you feared the nuance of your humor was lost? Do you have a piece that captures this journey for you? Is there a piece you want to revisit and repost because it says something you want to share with the world?  Did you write a poem that you'd love to delve into aloud?

But for this project, I am asking bloggers to read through their blog and pick a piece that they think would translate well into spoken word. Tell us why you chose it, if you want. And then, read it for a microphone or camera. Like we are doing a reading. You can even drink coffee and play the bongos if you are so inclined. Then post it on your blog. When it is live, come back here and add the link to the Mr. Linky below.

As you may or may not know, blogger does not host mp3s or podcasts. You have to use a third party host, which gets complicated. So, for this project, I videotaped myself reading at my computer with my computer camera. See, you can't really get easier than that. I am offering my still life 365 You Tube channel, if you want to upload a video for this project. I also have movie making programs, so I can put your audio to a picture or pictures, if you have an mp3. Anyway, all I'm saying is that I am here to help the world hear your words. Okay, I am hear to help you so I can hear your words spoken.

I posted this on Friday, because I am hoping that if you don't get a chance to do this today, you spend some time this weekend and just do it. It really will be so amazing to hear your favorite bloggers read their words. Email me at uberangie(at)gmail(dot)com if you have questions or need help getting your spoken word published.

And so, to show you how game I am, here is my spoken word piece. Just an FYI there is one F-bomb in this piece at 6:19/6:20.


  1. Awesome! OK, I need to figure out how to do this. What a great idea. Gotta go do some learnin'.

  2. Oh Angie, love you! I will get over my fear of this and join in, just need some techy help first.x

  3. This is gorgeous, it is lovely to hear your voice. If I can figure out how to do it, I'm in!

  4. I don't have a blog, and I have nothing to read, but I want to say that I really admire you for doing this. I remember reading this post and it taking my breath away. It seems lighter, but no less significant, to hear and see you read it.

    You don't sound like I thought, but then people never do, do they?

    Thank you.

  5. Love this. And you are very brave. Maybe I'll try to be brave, too.

  6. Angie- this is lovely... Really it is. It made me cry for so many reasons. It fits, your voice with your words. Funny how through your written words and never having met you. I look at you reading this and see a friend. Someone who understands. I have these pictures of Camille. I don't look at them very often. I was telling my friend who was there with me, who also held my daughter how they just don't look like Camille. It's not how I remembered her. She was so alive even though she was dead. She was warm and soft and beautiful. Even though....
    My friend said, yes I agree. They do not look like her. The pictures make her look dead. Weird huh?
    I too wonder if my memory is clear of what she looked like and it's only been 3.5 months. I haven't written a lot of things but I will try and participate in this. You're beautiful! I SEE you.

  7. Though we've spoken on video chat before, this really did take my breath away. You brought your words to life.
    I will try and do this, but I'm not overly tech savvy. Nor do I ever get any time alone in this small house, as I'd want to do something like this with a lot of silence and privacy, two things I crave and don't get much of these days.
    I can't wait to see everyone else's as well.

  8. Angie, how is it that you always read my mind??? I have been stewing since last Monday when I attended a SETS session on vlogging that I really really need to make peace with my laptop camera and just start recording/posting pieces. Thank you for this prompt :) I'll have to look thru stuff this weekend and see what turns up... xoxooxoxox me

  9. and PS: you will sooooooo get to the West Coast for readings and such -- all the way from AZ to CA to WA!! I'm holding the vision :) xoxo

  10. this was beautiful. Your love for your daughter is beautiful. thank you.

  11. This was amazing Angie. Loved hearing and seeing you and your words... Thank you! Count me in :)

  12. Just found my way to your blog and I have to say, that you are amazing. I was very touched by your piece. Your ability to use words and articulate feelings is extremely impressive. What a talent you are.

    Love to you.

  13. Lovely idea. I guess I've said it before: I love your voice and it's incredible to hear a blogpost spoken out loud... so powerful!

    Off to cheat on work and figure out how to do my first video. Hope it works out. xo

  14. Wow Angie. Your words are even more beautiful when watching them being read by you.
    What a great idea. I love this. I love this. I love this. This idea and this essay that you read.
    I look forward to seeing others contributions. xo

  15. That was amazing Angie. Thankyou. I feel like I know you a little better now having seen and heard you. (You look younger than I imagined by the way, thats a good thing right? lol)

    I don't even know if we have a camera, but perhaps I can do something audio... I shall have a little looksee.

    Beautiful reading, given so much more depth from hearing your intonations. Well done! x

  16. I'm going to try, what an amazing idea! <3

  17. I have said the exact words you spoke around the 7 minute mark. My son was born at 16 weeks and in the emotion of the moment, I chose not to have pictures made. A decision I will regret for the rest of my life. I walked out of the hospital with nothing: no blanket, no footprints, no pictures... nothing. I told my husband, my therapist... I was so afraid I'd forget him. I got the same answer you got. You are the first person who understands what I mean. I know I won't forget HIM but here it is 3 months later... and I'm slowly forgetting the tiny details of him. I hate my brain for failing me. I don't know if I'm brave enough to do the video. I'm a new blogger and my writing is very abstract and not as beautiful as other blog writers. Thank you for sharing.

  18. Wow Angie - I remember that post at Glow but hearing it read gives it a whole new dimension. You are so beautiful and your voice is so beautiful and your words are astonishing. Thank you.

    I'm going to try and do mine - I just have to decide which of the posts I'm contemplating would be best.

  19. Well I've done mine! I hope I've got the technical stuff right and that it works. Strange how nervous it made me, speaking to a camera in my own house!

  20. Done it - and I agree with Catherine. Very strange sensation!!!

  21. This made me cry. Not much makes me cry any more.

    Lovely post, and lovely idea.

    I'm not sure how brave I am but I'll come back if I'm brave enough.

  22. this is so incredibly powerful, and moving. tears for your lucia listening to this.

  23. I don't write all that much, maybe my intro to why I started bloggin? Lovely to hear your see you. I'll try to do this tomorrow I hope.

  24. This was really lovely. I've heard you speak about Lucia a couple of times now and hearing rather than reading does bring it all home in a different way.

    I've been thinking about participating if I can show something other than my face as I'm talking. Maybe I'll rev up the old camcorder while I'm walking the dog or washing the dishes so that you can see what I see as I'm mulling over my crazy notions about my daughter.

  25. So, I've only seen yours Angie, Catherine and Jill's so far. They've been overwhelming, incredibly beautiful and touching. The difference in hearing all your voices to reading the posts is immeasurable. I think every new blog post on every blog should be done like this. If I didn't feel connected enough to all the other BLM's & D's, this has clinched it!
    Put on the kettle, settle in and listen. It's as close to our own personal support group as we could get and it makes the world that much smaller.
    You're magic for thinking of this Angie and you may have just started something even bigger here. Thankyou. xo

  26. Just added mine, and I'm shaking! It occurred to me that I'm a bit of a mumbler, so apologies if you can't understand me. x

  27. Oh Angie. Oh. My god. Yes.

    I will post one of these in the next week. This was...beautiful. Thank you.

  28. Mine is now up, too. It feels astoundlingly naked - kind of terrifying, kind of liberating. And I really should do something about that dying plant in my office...

  29. I agree, all the pictures are not my son, and it's difficult to remember what he looks like without them.

    Thanks for your bravery and posting this and encouraging others to step out of their comfort zone to post theirs.

  30. Oh Angie, I love your writing, and I love hearing you read your writing. This particular piece really "spoke" to me when I first read it, and then audibly hearing it made it even more poignant.

  31. OK, I'm sweating. It's there, by the grace of whatever you might call it.

  32. Oh goodness.. just finished and loaded. Thank you SO Much Angie. It was so wonderful to hear the voices of some of the amazing women I have met.

  33. It's amazing to hear the voices of women who have supported and carried me. I'm a mess, lots of tears, but this is so beautiful.

    If I can work up the courage to join I'll share a video soon.

  34. Angie,
    This was an amazing idea. I have been blog hopping ever since you posted this. I love hearing everyone's voice. And it is so poignant seeing the tears in so many eyes. It gives you an even closer conection.
    I don't have much on my blog and I don't have a clue what I would read but maybe one day I will find the right thing and post a video of my own.
    I loved your reading.

  35. oh my goodness. this was so powerful and raw.not many things choke me anymore. i was unprepared for this. thank you for sharing you lovely voice and face

  36. Beautiful idea! I added mine, although I am far less beautifully spoken than everyone else!

  37. Just wanted to say thank you Angie for bringing us a little closer with the beautiful idea. Xxxx

  38. I waited until I had time before I listened to you speak. I'm glad. I loved that post then and hearing you lift it off the page and fill it with life was beautiful. "possibly the best of the worst moment of my life" I love that phrase. It has stayed with me for 10 months now..... xx

  39. Thank you for reading this post. I remember reading it for the first time last year, it's so beautifully written and translates so much more intensely hearing you read it out loud.

    The weight of my 37th week has caused a heaviness I haven't felt in a long time and hearing your words, listening to your voice allowed my grief to pour out of me. I cry and sob not because I suddenly remembered that Aiden is dead but because your words are enabling me to do so.

    Thank you for doing this project. I hope to be able to read one of my posts soon. I'm feeling camera shy because of my swollen pregnant face and my inability to speak my own words without crying. Maybe after Kevie is here next week my world will be brighter and my heart will feel lighter and it will be easier for me to speak.

    Love you.

  40. I managed to find some courage and posted my video this morning. Thank you for starting this wonderful project, Angie.

  41. I am going to work on this. Right now the microphone on my computer isn't working but I want to do this. Thank you for starting it!

  42. Yes this is my third comment! BUT! I forgot to tell you what an amazing job I thought you did--your words, your inflections, your interpretation of your own work had me nodding and sobbing. I loved every second of it, you know. Sorry I didn't write that sooner!

  43. SO beautiful Angie. I'll be adding mine soon enough.

  44. I'm back again as well. I think I'm enjoying this more than the Right Where I am Project. Such a simple idea, Angie. But you've unified us more than you'll ever know. Thanks for making me take a huge leap outside of my comfort zone to get involved in this. It has been liberating and I'm already considering doing another one.

  45. i made mine- thank you Angie for this project

  46. I will be making mine tomorrow sometime. Thank you for sharing yours. It's beautiful

  47. Angie, I have to come back again to comment a second time. I've watched all of the videos, and I just have to tell you how much this means to me. I think, out of the videos posted, that I am the newest in this journey. You all give me so much hope-- both for the future and for knowing it is okay to continue to grieve. Thank you from the depths of my soul. Much love, Nikki

  48. Angie, do you ever stop being amazing! You are so full of ideas! Listening to your blog was really beautiful. Thank you once again for giving us all something lovely to think about.

  49. You always have the best ideas Angie! I just linked up my video. It was kinda hard, but felt good to to do it. XO

  50. I love it!!! You have inspired me to do the same... Thanks!!!

  51. I can't tell you how awesome that this is.
    I just found your blog recently through this round up.
    I lost my son in August.
    There is so much healing in connecting with you ladies.
    Sending love to you Angie.

  52. Angie! I read. I watched transfixed. Your words are art and it is beautiful.

  53. Thanks Angie for putting this together <3

  54. Thanks Angie for posting this under your account. Mr Linky did its magic and I'm officially submitted. xo

  55. Love this. I think it is great to be able to hear a post spoken by the one who wrote it. Fabulous job.

  56. I'm making my way through these, and I LOVE them. I wish I had something to read. I meant to try to record something, but I work full time and mother full time and sleep somewhere in there, so writing and reading hasn't quite happened.

    But MAN, is this ever fantastic! Thank you for doing this!

  57. OK, I've just (FINALLY) linked mine. It's only taken me 3 days! xo

  58. I love this idea.....there is always a fear about sharing too much on the internet but seeing another mother, someone else that shares.....thank you.

    2011. I cannot wait for this year to end. I have carried, seen, loved and buried three sons. In January I lost twin boys and in October my little fighter Gabriele. All stillborn. In February I started blogging as a way to push forward. Next week we will bury our third son and I will close off this year.

    How many children do I have if people ask?

  59. This is for Claudia (I tried to leave a long comment on your blog, but it wasn't allowing it for some reason).
    I'm so sorry for the triple loss that you and your husband have experienced this year. I'm more than sorry that Vincenzo, Benedetto and Gabriele are not in your arms. They are beautiful names. I hope Wednesday brings kindness for Gabriele's funeral and will light extra candles for him here on that day.
    If people ask how many children you have? It's a hard one, and depends on how your feeling. I dread the feeling knowing someone is about to ask, but if I am, then I tell them the truth (most times!).
    My heart and thoughts are with you all. I'm sorry to meet you this but glad to have connected all the same. Much love and light. xo

  60. This is so awesome Angie. Hearing you read your post in your voice, with your own inflection and emotion was so moving. Thank you.

    This is such a wonderful idea and not unlike your Right Where I Am project, I am sure participating in this blog round up will be very healing and therapeutic for many to do.

    I am working on my entry and hope to link up sometime this week. Thank you again for finding such inspiring ways to bring our community of bereaved parents together as we continue to grieve and learn to live with the "new normals" of our lives since our children lived and died.

  61. I'm in with a faster than usual beating heart.

  62. Just posted my post! Took youtube AGES to upload my 8 minute video! I used my Canon PowerShot A620 7.1m megapixel camera that I've had for years as my computer's webcam doesn't link audio and video very well.

    I wasn't planning on crying today but reading my own words, written in June, brought tears to my eyes and a break to my voice several times.

  63. Hello! I did it, finally put my blog into the spoken word.

  64. Just now joining in. I'm always late to the party. Thanks so much for doing this. What a wonderful nice to meet you!

  65. Your words took my breath beautiful. So real. Thank you...

  66. I finished watching everyone's video blogs today and I just finished typing a post about it. I'm hoping and praying that tomorrow I will have the courage to record it and hit the enter button to add it to this collection. Regardless, of whether I do or not... I want to thank you. I'm only 3 months into my loss. So, for me, it was a healing and eye-opening experience to see so many different stages of grief and loss, at different points in time, by so many different people. Thank you, to everyone, who has contributed their story.

  67. Thank you for this. What a lovely idea! Ironically I shared my "Right where I am" post. It was INCREDIBLY hard to do but I am proud of myself for accomplishing my first VLOG :) Much love to you <3

  68. Okay, I did it! Thank you for creating such a powerful movement among our community. For all of the others that posted, thank you! Your words mean more than most things these days. Thank you for bringing me comfort amongst this shit of a mess.

  69. For Stefanie. I'm posting this here because I couldn't leave a comment on your blog.
    I'm so sorry Stefanie. I'm so sorry your Sam isn't here. I'm sorry for the utter shock surrounding Sam's birth. I'm sorry your husband's first born son isn't in his arms. I'm sorry his big sister has lost her precious little brother.
    Sam is beautiful and this post was captivating. Your vlog ended and I remained seated, staring at the screen. This post took me right back to my loss and all those things we have to do for our children in death. You think "this is my life now!!!"
    And the name connections. Oh, the name connections. Your Sam Joseph and my Joseph Gabriel. Your Sam and my nephew Sam (just gone, along with his twin brother Charlie at almost 20 weeks only just over 3 weeks ago).
    Thankyou so much for sharing. I'm glad you stuck with your original recording. It was very brave of you. I appreciate your raw emotion.
    I'm so sorry that you're here, but glad to connect at the same time. xo Kate.

  70. I finally did it! So nervous, but LOVE this project.

  71. This was great! I am still watching everyone's...

  72. This was great! I am still watching everyone's...

  73. I posted a video a couple of days ago, but it was accidently deleted from Youtube.... so, I did it again.

    This is a really great idea! I love hearing the voices of the women whose blogs I have been reading for so long.

    Thank you to everyone who participated and for sharing your stories.

  74. Thanks again for doing this. I linked up my blog post this morning, which has my spoken word blog video embedded in it.

  75. Okay... I'm terrified but I did it. I added my post.

  76. This is such a good idea! It's been nice hearing the sound of women's voices who I have known online for over a year.

  77. Finally, finally posted.

    And I look like crap on video.

  78. I'm so glad you started this. It was nice hearing your voice and I could relate to your post. SOmetimes I miss the early grief, in spite of how horrible I felt at the time. And I love the phrase "holding her dead body was the best moment of the worst moment of my life". That's how it is, but it is very difficult to describe.

  79. I watched a couple of these on the weekend, including yours. So nice to put voices to names & words & see the real live people behind the blogs. : ) Another great idea, Angie!


  81. Check out my spoken word!


What do you think?