
Monday, February 11, 2013


There is the physical act of gathering the names. From my email, and FB posts, and forum on Glow. I gather and write them out, with real names and real prayers...For this mother in memory of her son. For that mother in memory of her daughter. 

I light a candle, and sage. Sage the space, and computer, and all of you written on paper. I then select the stones for my grid. Heart chakra stones of pink quartz and green aventurine, some chalcedony, and the Apache tears for grief, hematite and garnet for grounding. I envision the geometric pattern and align them, connecting them with a selenite wand, and activating it with my intentions. Healing, love, comfort, ease, grief, connection. Connect. Heart connection. And then I write out the prayer. It changes every time, but the message is the same.

May you be at peace,
May your heart be open,
May you awaken to the light of your true nature,
May you be healed,
May you be a source of healing for all sentient beings,
May you feel safe,
May you feel happy,
May you feel healthy,
May you be at ease,
May you feel my love and the love of the Divine in all, through all, and for all.

Then I pray and meditate. Sometimes for a little, sometimes for a long time. This one was for about twenty minutes. Breathing in suffering. Breathing out love.

I have given so many jizos away, I sometimes think there is no babylost person left without one. But people join this community every minute of every day. There is not enough meditation to soothe all the hurts, but I keep sitting.

Then I paint and paint and paint, and drink a glass of water, then paint. When their faces come, I smile sometimes.

Who are you? Whose baby do you hide in your sleeve? Tell Lucia that I love her.

Yesterday, I received my Reiki I attunement to go along with my schooling, which is bodywork. But Reiki cleanses the aura, blesses artwork, and I Reiki'ed the painting today. I could see the light in my mind's eye washing over the paintings. My hands created this work, your babies inspired it. I will package them up and ship them off. They were never mine, but they will go into the world, carry this message that  we grieve together.

UPDATED: Requests for paintings are now closed. I do large jizo sittings twice a year--July and around Lucia's birthday in December and January. You are always welcome to purchase a jizo in my Etsy shop, or wait until I do the next sitting. Thank you for understanding.


  1. Beautiful process. I love that you shared the ritual, it's such an important part of the whole process. Thank you for sharing that:)

  2. I love seeing your process and continue to be grateful for the love and work you share.

  3. You know I squinted and peered at my screen trying to find Eva's name on the list...

  4. It makes me cry to think of all the love and thoughts and prayers and crystals and vibes...etc...that you have given to Camille and I. How can I begin to tell you how much it means to have love come from somewhere else for me. These words you wrote:

    "May you be at peace,
    May your heart be open,
    May you awaken to the light of your true nature,
    May you be healed,
    May you be a source of healing for all sentient beings,
    May you feel safe,
    May you feel happy,
    May you feel healthy,
    May you be at ease,
    May you feel my love and the love of the Divine in all, through all, and for all."

    I want all of these. Thank you...from my heart to yours.


What do you think?