
about my children.

I am the mother of three children--Beatrice Grace, Lucia Paz and Thomas Harry, or Beezus, Lucy and Thor. I guess maybe you can say four, because in May of 2012, we experienced a miscarriage at 12 weeks of pregnancy. Our last pregnancy. We called the baby Little Dot, because that all the baby ever was. Later, when we found out he was a boy, we called him Michael.

When I began this blog, I wrote about my experience grieving and mothering. Beatrice was 20 months old when Lucia was stillborn. I rediscovered the spaces between the minutes of our day when I was an Angie again, and then a mother, and then a grief-stricken mess. So, as much as this space is about me, it includes them, all of them, not just the dead one, or the living one, but all three of them. So, let me tell you about my children:

Beatrice, aka Beezus, Bea, Bibi, Buzzzzz, Little Girl Blue, is my precocious six-year old. She likes animals, rainbows, unicorns, the colors pink and red, soccer, riding her bike, and wrestling. She was born in the year of the Golden Pig and is an Aries. She says she wants to be a superhero when she grows up. No, wait, she wants to be a doctor and a mountain climber now. Or all three, can she be all three? All I know is that she is a magical being that sprinkles fairy dust on every thing she touches so it is beautiful and perfect.

Thomas Harry, aka Thor, or just Thomas Harry, is my three year old. Born on April Fool's Day, year of the Tiger, which is about the best way to sum him up the Trickster Tiger. He growls his way into your heart. For example, I was asking him not to pinch his sister yesterday and he grabbed my nose and just held on. And then laughed hysterically. He is a delicate BamBam. He likes being naked, and throwing things. Quiet and intense until he isn't. He likes wrestling, trucks, cars, balls and throwing cars like balls. His favorite foods make him itchy. He enjoys torturing his big sister by pinching her, pulling her hair, and being a menace to all things pink. He makes my heart expand like a supernova.

I stay home with them and sometimes write about that. Here are some Beezus and Thor posts you might be interested in, if you are interested in such things.

With Thor Home.
Impossible Things.
Our Woodland Creatures.
Thor, God of Chunder
Thor and his eczema.
Itchy and Scratchy.
Magical Thinking.
Music Class.
Fibs and Prayers.
About a Boy.
Leaving the House.
Meditating with Children.
Living Children.
Everything in my Heart, I love.
Sunday Haircuts.
Little Birds.
Amazing Grace.