

If James Lipton asked me "What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?" I would not hestiate.

"Advice columnist."

Actually, I don't even think advice columnist exactly, though I'd love to be the next Sugar on the Rumpus when she retires. (Stephen Elliot, call me!) or the Shell Answer Man, except instead of answering questions about oil and driving and gas, I would answer questions about religion, grieving, parenting, writing, art, recovery, gnomes, alcoholism, still life 365, Buddhism, moon cycles, meditation, prayer, loss, suffering and whatnot and whosits. Talking about my experience in this world for 37 years and with my own struggles. I am fond of people giving me topics to talk and write about. I have done quite a few question posts, because people actually ask me questions and read the answers. Which is mind-boggling in and of itself. I like sparking and hosting discussions, so that helps. 

Anyway, as always, the invitation to ask questions is always open and there. Here are some questions that readers have asked me and I have answered. You can also search for them through the tag "questions".

tonglen and the tree.
karma and babyloss.
dealing with living children and grief.
pregnancy after loss.
random questions.
the kids.
gurus, relationships and remembering.
grieving openly around children.
anger and patience.

You can ask me a question by sending me an email at uberangie(at)gmail(dot)com.

1 comment:

  1. my second child, a daughter was stillborn 20 years ago - also at 38 weeks.

    i like your pinky writing style. below is not so but a direct narration by the sibling of a stillborn, told in graphic novel style format.


What do you think?